đ°Minting Page
For each collection you deploy on a network, a minting page will be automatically created without you having to do anything. On this page, people will be able to mint your NFTs.
Last updated
For each collection you deploy on a network, a minting page will be automatically created without you having to do anything. On this page, people will be able to mint your NFTs.
Last updated
Investigating all the configuration possibilities available within the sections of this documentation reveals a plethora of options, nearly as extensive as one can imagine.
Depending on the type of collection you've deployed, you'll be presented with a specific type of minting page. Furthermore, in the "Minting Page" section of the project dashboard, you can configure the appearance of your minting page, including its name, description, subdomains, and other configuration options.
By default, NFTs2Me creates the subdomain <your_collection>.nfts2.me. You can change this subdomain in the "Minting page" section. If it's already in use by another user, we'll append an amazing word to it.
Some words, such as the names of chains and others, are reserved and cannot be used for collection subdomain.
Let's see how the minting page of each type of collection is displayed.
Editions: In this case, since all NFTs are the same, the default layout called "edition" is automatically set. The "default" layout is more appropriate when we have limited the number of NFTs. If it's an "Open Edition" collection, meaning there is no limit on the number of NFTs, we don't recommend using it. You can find more information in the "Editions" section.
Drops: All the NFTs comprising the collection are displayed. If we click on them, we can view their details and traits. Those that have already been minted appear deactivated, and their status is specified. You can find more information in the "Drops" section.
Generative Art: In this case, an NFT will be displayed for each generated combination. You can find more information in the "Generative Art" section.
You can set the name and description of the collection according to your needs. These will be displayed on the minting page. This way, everyone will know what your project is about. You have an editor to format the description however you like.
Both the logo and the top banner, as well as the image displayed on social media when sharing the minting page, are configurable in the "Minting page" section.
Users can connect their wallet with a wide variety of options available.
Additionally, the different phases of the collection will be indicated, such as whitelist, anypayments, etc.
Depending on the type of minting established, users will only be able to indicate the number of NFTs or select directly which one they want to mint.
Sequential minting: You can only specify the number of NFTs to mint. They are assigned one after another according to the order.
Specify minting: You can choose the NFT to mint.
Random minting: You can choose the number of NFTs to mint, but they will be assigned randomly.
NFTs2Me integrates with a wide range of wallets, allowing your minting page to be accessible to users worldwide. Additionally, it supports credit card payments, KYC, and anypayments.
When a holder possesses NFTs from your collection, they are displayed at the top.
We have a UI editor where you can choose pre-configured color palettes or manually select colors as you like.
We also have various themes that change the layout and colors of the page.
Let's explore the UI configuration options available on the minting page, in addition to logos and themes.
NFT Showcase: Allows NFTs to be displayed individually as cards. If this is deactivated, they will not be shown. In Open Editions mode, it defaults to "no," as there are infinitely identical NFTs available.
Show sold NFTs: It will display whether or not the number of minted NFTs in the collection. By default, it's set to yes.
Show Banner Image: Displays or hides the top banner of the minting page.
User Show remaining NFTs supply: Displays or hides the number of NFTs that make up the collection.
If you have social media accounts, a website, etc., you can automatically add your links to the minting page. Simply write them down, and a logo will appear for each link.
ENS Domain
Show your ENS domain: If you want users to feel more secure and confident about the creator of the collection, you can activate this option to display their ENS name. This will only work if you have a reverse resolution set up in ENS.
Remember to always save your changes by clicking the button at the bottom of the page. If you don't, your changes won't be saved, and the Minting page won't be updated.
You have more info at "Custom mint pages and widget" section.