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If you have already uploaded your metadata and images to web server (HTTP) and you want to enter this information instead of uploading it to IPFS, you can do using NFTs2Me.
Select "HTTP" tab when you are creating a project and then paste your Base HTTP URL (Metadata). This mode is active when you create a new NFT project using the "Editions" or "Drop" mode.
The fields that you must fill are:
HTTP URL where the metadata is located. At this point it is important to know the format that should be the .json files. For the first token it has to be https://HTTPURL/1.json, the second token would be https://HTTPURL/2.json and so on until the total supply. If total supply is 100 the last token would be https://HTTPURL/100.json. Example:
Total supply of the collection. It is important that the number coincides with the amount of .json files that have been uploaded. If there is an error, the tool will warn you in case it has failed to find the last json file, and you will see something like this: