Mint Settings
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In this section, you can modify the information related to the minting of your NFTs. Let's review the different options available to you:
Min Fee
The mint fee is the fee that you, as the creator, establish to receive for each minting of each NFT. You can increase or decrease this amount as needed, without affecting the mintings that have already been completed. You can only set the value relative to the token of the collection deployment.
The mint fee will be added to the platform fee. The sum of both corresponds to the amount that the collector has to pay to mint an NFT from the collection. If the mint fee is lower than the platform fee, the mint fee will be converted into creator rewards and the collection will be displayed as "free". More info.
Max Per Address / Max Per Wallet
You can limit the maximum number of NFTs from your collection that an address can hold. By default, it is set to unlimited. This limit applies to both minting and transferring, so once set, no one can override that limit.
This also affects airdrops and whitelists. In other words, when you perform an airdrop, the sum of the NFTs that an address already holds plus the ones you are sending cannot exceed this configuration.
Setting a value of 0 returns a collection to a state without limits.
By default, when deploying a collection, it is set to the open phase. This means that once deployed, the collection will be visible and anyone can mint. The available phases are:
Public: Users can freely mint new NFTs.
Closed: Users can't mint. Only the owner can send airdrops. Already minted NFTs are not affected.
Drop date / End Date
When choosing a Drop Date / End Date you'll be able to specify a date when the phase becomes Open / Close:
Drop Date. Users won't be able to mint until specified Drop Date. On the specified Drop Date phase will change to 'Public (Open)' and mints will be enabled.
Drop & End Date. Users will only be able to mint between Drop and End Date. On the specified End Date mints will be disabled and collection phase will become 'Closed'.
Reduce Collection Size
Reducing the Collection Size permanently reduces the total supply of the collection. This cannot be undone. The total supply can never be increased, only decreased. If you would like to keep some NFTs for future use, you can reserve them instead.
Reserve / Unreserve Tokens
You can reserve tokens for future use, like giving it to the team, airdrops or giveaways.
Reserved tokens can't be minted by users or anyone until they are unreserved.
Metadata / PlaceHolder
This option was set at deployment moment. By default the metadata of the NFTs is immutable. Nobody will be able to change it in the future. If you have selected "Deplayed Reveal" artwork is hidden. users can only see a placeholder. Metadata and artwork will not be public until you decide to reveal it.
Below, we present images showcasing the various possibilities of the tool.