Random Minting
Truly on-chain secure random minting
Last updated
Truly on-chain secure random minting
Last updated
Minting Types are compatible with Placeholder. For instance, you can use Specify Minting along with Random Minting to temporarily hide the metadata, and reveal at a later time, being a random with delayed reveal.
Our random minting doesn't rely on any server, it is a truly on-chain secure random minting. In our v1 contracts, we were forced to use a two-step solution, but with our new v2 contracts, collectors can mint NFTs with random minting in just ONE STEP. This saves gas, time, and hassle compared to the previous version, making it a significant improvement. Also, instead of selecting random minting you can always use the placeholder and reveal after a collection is sold out.
Check more at https://nfts2me.com/#why-choose-us